The RailAI boxcar-based system is operating in revenue service, able to inspect 24/7 unattended for a month or more. The multiple sensors provide a 360-degree view that, coupled with AI-powered onboard processing, provides real-time defect notification. Tetra Tech aligns a robust set of default business rules with software customized to each customer’s business rules to provide the closest to an objective autonomous visual inspection system available on the market. Remote system access enables real-time updates of rules or download of additional data for closer review of a defect.

RailAI® at a Glance
Operates at up to 70 mph track speed
Can operate continuously for 24 hours per day for a month or more
Unmanned fully autonomous
Real-time prioritized defect reports in customer defined formats to their back office
Operates with normal train movements—eliminates track occupancy
Real-time reporting and archiving of all track exception and measurement data
Available for lease, turn-key purchase, or as an upgrade to existing systems
Hardware and software customized to integrate with customer systems
RailAI system produces much more and higher quality data than any other available system, providing five times the functionality at one-fifth of the cost per mile of other systems.
Click on the sensors for more information.
Combining five major sensor systems on one track-speed platform—with the highest accuracy positioning system available—eliminates the need for multiple platforms, negates track occupancy concerns, and reduces risk for on-track workers.